Matthew Bussard Reveals 6 Tips on How to Live a Fulfilling Life After You Retire

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Many people associate their success with their careers, collecting awards and recognitions, and even sacrificing their family and alone time for their jobs. For them, retirement is not only an exciting time of freedom and play but an opportunity to fill an internal void with something other than their professional accomplishments. In this article, Matthew Bussard, a Medicare expert from Rhode Island, shares six tips on living a fulfilling life after retirement.

Tip #1. Find New Purpose and Meaning

Many people find themselves having a sense of lack after retirement. We tend to look forward to trips and vacations, possibly relocation but forget about simple things that add meaning to our lives daily. Reflect on things that make you experience joy – mentoring, learning, taking care of grandchildren, cooking, gardening, reading, among others. Think about all of the things you always wanted to do and never had time for – connecting with friends and family, working on antique cars in your garage, learning how to play an instrument. Try meditation or yoga to help you find fulfillment in the simple act of being here and now.

Tip #2. Create a Bucket List

After you retire, there is a temptation to relax and spend your time watching TV instead of planning all of the beautiful things we want to experience in our lives. Creating a bucket list is an excellent way to keep all of your ideas organized while scheduling them into your calendar and will ensure that you actually do them.

Tip #3. Take Care of Your Finances

One of the fundamentals of joyful retirement is financial security. Ignoring your financial state is never a good idea, so make sure that you have a spending plan, emergency fund, and claim your Social Security benefits at an appropriate time. Think about how you can decrease your spendings in retirement while having the lifestyle you want. Moving to a less expensive state or even abroad can be an excellent way to experience a new place and at the same time lower your expenses.

Tip #4. Get Regular Check-Ups

Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health suggest that retirement often is associated with a decline in health, so make sure that you are being proactive and seeing your doctor regularly. Eating healthy, exercising, and managing your stress are great ways to guarantee your wellbeing after you retire. Remember that prevention is the best treatment.

Tip #5. Stay Socially Connected

Many people feel lonely after they retire. After all, our social circle often consists of work colleagues and people we interact with at the office. Stay in touch with your work colleagues and make new friends! Your bucket list activities may include other people, and they will appreciate an invite for a dinner or a game of golf. Staying socially connected is crucial for our mental health and wellbeing.

Tip #6

Keep Learning

Challenging your brain after you retire is a great way to stay mentally sharp. At work, we constantly solve problems and deal with tasks, so our brains are learning daily. Be proactive and find ways to stimulate your brain, such as puzzles, sudoku, chess, or learning a new language.

Retirement is what you make of it – so enjoy this new season in your life! By following these steps, you will ensure that you spend the time doing things you love, connecting with friends and family, and keeping your mind engaged and focused.

About Matthew Bussard

Matthew Bussard is the go-to financial service broker for Medicare users across Rhode Island. He volunteers at clinics to help clients enroll in Medicare, alleviate any unnecessary medical expenses, and answer healthcare benefits questions. He is passionate about making a difference in his clients’ lives. Mr. Bussard understands the importance of proper healthcare, especially among the older population. He works hard to address his clients’ issues as quickly and efficiently as possible and is always available to guide them through the enrollment process.